Sunday, December 7, 2008


Saturday was the wonderful day of the year when Christmas fun feels like it has finally started. The day began with Darby and Jessi arriving to help my mom and I decorate our house and enjoy many different hot drinks (followed by yummy Taco Bueno). I will post more pics of our handy decorating once it is officially done. We didn't get the tree completed because our pre-lit tree decided that its lights in the center section weren't gonna work. So...until we get that figured out it looks pretty lame. But it was a pretty fun day minus the disfunctional tree!
I am very thankful for my Grammi Hazel. She may be my adopted grandmother but she is more a grandmother to me than a real one would be. From all the hours she spent with me as a little girl teaching me to sew and cook to going out to coffee and basketball games with me as a teenager and young adult. She's the best and she made me this beautiful homemade chocolate macadamian pie as a continued get well present. I appreciate all of her thought and concern for me as I've been healing.

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