Oh my, I just took the most lovely walk down memory lane.
I am redecorating my bedroom and trying to redo my bathroom, meanwhile I borrowed a lot of old movies and musicals from one of my friends. One of these is my very favorite--Singin' in the Rain. What a classic. I love and know all the songs and have a massive crush on Gene Kelly. I realized that I watch this film with a happy and contented grin on my face.
This film also makes me think of a fantastic and only JBUish possible memory that some friends and I created my senior year at JBU (the first one!). JBU has a fall retreat put on by the student ministries deparment called BreakAway. Well my friends KWood, Pammie, Alex, Luke and I decided we did not want to breakaway, we wanted to do our own retreat to KWood's apartment for the weekend with our own outlined schedule of events and fun calling it BreakOff. It was a brilliant idea, one of the more creative and ridiculous ideas I've been apart of. I would have to write alot more to explain all of the "events" we had together that weekend but two predominantly stick out in my memory.
First, watching Singin' in the Rain multiple times, even a couple times in a row. Imparticular rewatching and rewinding one of the first scenes in order to learn the "Coconut Grove" dance and learn it we did. Pam, KWood, and I may have performed it many other times including private performances in local coffee houses.
Second, planning on taking a "metropolitan walk" through Siloam Springs---dressing as unconventionally fashionably as we could and parading around downtown. This idea then turned into Alex conducting a photoshoot and eventually using us as a photography project. These pictures deserve to be immortalized even years later. Look with caution--my reaction ranges from "Alex is so creative" "Arkansas was very humid" and bursts of laughter at the ridiculousness and excess of self-confidence captured in these photos. Enjoy.

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