Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Break from Check-Ups

I got back from Nashville late last night, multiple posts on that after I find my camera cord, and I woke up late this morning to my mother asking what time my appointment was. I forgot all about it--thank goodness for mothers. I went to see quirky Dr. Ray again and the appointment went awesome. He literally gave me a pat on the back for flossing and clapped because my incisions were healing so well. I am starting to be a pro at chewing again and am very carefully biting into things babying my still tender front sets of teeth--I know it sounds very basic but when you haven't been able to for over 2 months, it is very exciting. Dr. Ray was excited with how everything looked externally as well. To be honest I am not exactly sure what he is looking for but he stands in about 5 different points in the examination room and looks directly at my jaw and chin and today thought things were coming right along. I haven't posted a post surgery pic of myself yet but that's mostly because I've been swollen or bruised so pics will come soon with the Nashville posts--you get to see my new jaw very soon....

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