Friday, July 25, 2008

Soda Shop Adventures

We have a tradition at the Soda Shop of keeping a list of funny quotes from either ourselves or customers in the back where only us girls can enjoy it. Well, I added a good one to the list last night.

I worked the late shift last night and this is the story:

One old man was in the shop and Tori was getting his sugar-free vanilla in a cake cone. As she walked around the back I said to him, "it'll be $2.75 and I can take your money" in a very friendly and sweet voice, I might add. He then said to me "you look like the kind of girl that could take all my money". I looked back a little shocked but taking it all in stride I responded with "sir, I don't know if that is a compliment or not". He then leaned forward and said, "with that shade of hair, I'd let ya" and winked.

All in a day.


Ryan said...'s true. you do have more hair than I do. But I still don't like it when it's wet.

Great story from the Soda Shop btw. I "LOLed".

Rose Starr said...

You red heads get all the attention! What a funny story. Love the pic of the 3 of you :)

Great photos and catch up posts Emily! It's stunningly beautiful there...wish I could visit, but alas, I do not think it's going to happen.

Enjoy the rest of your summer there! It was great to see you again last month :)

billy said...

wow. well done, Pritz. seducing old men with your sweet words:)

we miss you down here, redhead. when you comin' back down?

Almancena said...

Wow Pritz... Billy just told me to read this... Glad to hear your keeping life interesting. And billy is right yall need to make a trip back down here, maybe you could bring a few more people too....