Thursday, May 28, 2009

SMILE--School's Out

The school year has ended much faster than I expected it to. Though I am happy that I will have a more free schedule and I do have things to look forward to this summer, I really love my job and I enjoy working and being busy. I could never have predicted that me, Emily, the girl who loves to sleep more than anything, hates to work out, and has a lazy tendency to her, is becoming somewhat of a workaholic. I think it definitely says something for enjoying your job and feeling like what you do makes a difference.

This is the wall outside my room and I took pictures of all of my elementary students I work with. (It had a smile theme if you can't tell.) The exciting part was that they got to take home their pictures on the last day of school! Doesn't take much to get 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders pumped!


DeMo said...

Pritz! Hey. I just caught up on the last 5 months of your life. It looks like so much fun. I used to read, then somehow my Google Reader got messed up and yours was one that got lost. I found you when I saw a comment of yours on Facebook and I thought "why haven't I read her stuff lately?" Thanks for posting so often and with lots of pictures! I really am lacking in the area of photos. Sounds like you're doing well. I'm a little jealous that you went to that country concert and saw all of those awesome guys. *sigh* Have a great summer! (lucky duck)


Anonymous said...

Hey Emily. I'm so glad to hear that you had a good school year! What a blessing. I hope you enjoy the summer!