Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Kansas Part Quatro

Then we ended the Kansas adventure with a church service and pizza. Jake and his older sister were singing at a local church service--so I was very lucky to hear their beautiful voices. Then after church Jake and Mr. Whitmore took us out to a nice lunch of Pizza Hut. To top off my Newton experience I was able to see Katie Funk-Dyck my neighbor back in the Mayfield days and one of the funnest girls around, what a treat, what a roadtrip!


linda said...

my favorite part about this series is that you used the phrase "what a _____" about six different time.

linda "not engaged" wyman.

DeMo said...

So fun! It's kind of weird to see my two worlds in one place, since I'm from Newton (and used to play with Jake and his sisters -- although Jake wasn't around much, he was too cool for us) and live in Wichita, and seeing a bunch of JBU ppl in my town! At what church did they get married? The pictures looked beautiful but I didn't recognize it.