Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jessica is 12, oh my.

Jessica is basically my little sister. Our families have raised us all together more or less and Darby and Jessi are frequent subjects on my blogs because they are such a big part of my life. Today Jessica turns 12! Crazy and I am so thankful for her life. Some of you may know her story and how some of the hardest years of my life were spent in a hospital watching her while she went through chemo and radiation at much too young of an age, to fight a very serious and rare cancer. She is a survivor and no longer even has to do checkups as she hit her 7 year mark of cancer free last year! Yay! She is our miracle and she is just the most precious, beautiful, and entertaining girl. Two nights ago Darby, Jess, and I made flourless chocolate cake (for our gluten-intolerant Darby), ate Indian food, and watched Confessions of a Shopaholic. Nothing like a night with little sisters!

Happy Haircut

This is the girliest most self-focused post I will ever write. Here it goes: I got a haircut. Not really a big deal for most people, but for me it is quite dramatic. I love my hair long. I never had long hair until college, which some people who have never known me without long hair find hard to believe. But I always got my hair cut into the new trendy haircut or whatever was in style throughout high school and before. When I got to JBU, freshman year fall break, I cut my hair off to about chin length and then I decided I would grow it out for the rest of college and I did. I do not really ever cut it now, even trims freak me out. So because of this my hair was in desperate need of a trim and my mother had been continually telling me how ratty the ends of my hair looked, so I finally made an appointment. She cut nearly four inches off and I survived, in fact I think it looks a lot healthier, so I feel good about it! (I seriously had a nightmare the night before that she accidentally gave me a bob!)

Jill's a quarter of a century old!

We had a wild party at Fudruckers, yeah we aren't sure how that happened. It was super yummy and I made her awesome jewelery. Adrian and I were proud of our quirky vintage jewelery store purchase of silverware earrings. I am not sure if Jilly knew what to say, I think they just took her breath away.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Route 66 Blowout--a Sapulpa staple.

My home town does not truly have many claims to fame. We do have 2. #1 Frankoma Pottery (world-famous super cool pottery) originated and is still made in a factory here in town and is made from our local clay. #2 Historic Route 66 runs through Sapulpa and through our Historic downtown that is restored and used just as it was 50 years ago--one of the nicest in the U.S.
Every year at this time we have a "Blowout" to celebrate Rt. 66. They shut down downtown and the streets are filled with old cars and motorcycles and all kinds of fair and festival wares. I enjoyed the day with my friends and family, eating barbeque from the Firemen and running into someone we knew everytime I turned my head, including lots of my students. Ok, it is Sapulpa, we knew everyone. It was super fun, beautiful weather, and my arms and shoulders are sporting a sunburn to prove it!

A Date Night at the Museum, why not?

Some of you may know about the family with 11 kids I was a Home Care Provider for in past summers for their handicapped children and who I have traveled with on family vacations. Well I promised a special night for Jordan and Benjamin, so we went to see A Night at the Museum. We got lots of candy and lots of soda and enjoyed our movie thoroughly. The boys cutely recommended that we go to McDonalds afterwards and being the sucker that I am I said yes! It was a fun night with two cute guys I enjoyed spoiling!

New Designs......

I have started some new jewelry projects recently.
The biggest undertaking being a necklace I am not quite ready to show, although I have been wearing it all day, but there are still some changes I need to make to it and then I will post some pictures.

Here are some earrings I made recently: the bottom stones are rock from Lake City, I like them because they are very imperfect and do not exactly match each other. The green stones are simply emerald colored because I LOVE green and they were purchased at my very favorite craft supply store!