Saturday, March 14, 2009


Honest things about who I am:

1. 97.9% of the time I will not be on time and it doesn't bother me at all. I think I was meant to live in a more laid back culture.
2. I am incredibly repetitive. If I find something I love or enjoy, I will do just that to its fullest. I will finish reading a book I enjoy and start reading it over again immediately, the same goes for movies, television, music, etc.
3. I am not an emotional girl. I always identify with guys when discussing relationship issues. Apparently I came out a girl but was wired wrong when it comes to thought process and emotions.
4. I generally prefer hanging out with chilren over adults. I love hearing the thoughts of children of all ages.
5. Country music speaks to my soul. Go ahead take issue with it.
6. Even though I may not think like a girl, I do extremely enjoy makeup, hair, perfume, accessories of any kind, and fashion--so I got the girly goin' on there.
7. Favorite friendship childhood memories: Going on outdoor adventures with Adrian and our baby dolls--one of the many benefits of growing up in the country, Having very dramatic Barbie issues with Nicole--it's amazing that two girls who had never seen a soap opera recreated some pretty dramatic scenarios with their toys, Watching the Lone Ranger and Zorro with the 3 Karasek boys and my brothers for hours on end while wearing capes and other assorted yet necessary costumes, and Many, many imaginative times with my two brothers: dancing like maniacs to the Beatles (thank you hippie parents), playing house where I was always the mom (not much changes), Scott was always the big brother (makes sense), and Teddy was always the Indian (who doesn't need to have a red-headed Indian around).
8. I require more sleep than anyone I have ever met. I LOVE to sleep, naps, sleeping in late, you name it, it is wonderful. I hated slumber parties growing up because I didn't understand why everyone wouldn't go to bed and then why they didn't sleep in in the morning. I refused to even attend any youth group church lock-ins in my teenage years because who the heck would want to stay up all night?
9. I love having red hair. Not that I think about it very much, sometimes I see pictures of myself and am shocked that my hair is the color it is in the picture and have to ask people if that is what it really looks like.
10. I have lost people I really love in my life. I had a childhood friend die of cancer when we were only in Junior High, it was awful, and I really don't even talk about it to most people that know me well. But I have never not felt joy. Joy that I don't understand. All I can say is that Jesus gives me joy beyond my understanding and always has in every hardship I've faced and for that I am grateful.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I really enjoyed reading that. And the fact that Ted was always the Indian while playing house comes as no surprise. :)