Friday, March 13, 2009

Sparatic Spring

When the seasons change in Oklahoma they never permanently change. It can be freezing in the winter, or maybe it will get real hot one day. Summer can suddenly cool down and hours later be burning hot again. This week we had Spring at the beginning and all of our beautiful flowering trees started budding out, then all of a sudden it decided to be winter again and sleeted and snowed all day yesterday. Today is more mild though I still wore a scarf and coat. When it was beinning to sleet the other day I ran out in the cold and took pictures of our new flowers in hopes of capturing their beauty before the freezing rain took it away again. Also I think where I live is beautiful! ps. I also have cute cats.

1 comment:

christian and amanda said...

we've had a really warm winter, but i am still ready for the trees to bloom...a couple more months...