Wednesday, May 19, 2010


If you see my hometown on the National news yet again it is because we have been ravaged by tornadoes for the second time in a week!!

I have spent the whole evening in our basement checking radar on my laptop and listening to the sirens going off in town. I spent the morning with my students crammed into the school bathrooms listening to our school siren going off!

I just ran up to my bed and there was a spider in it.......why do I live here again???

Saturday, May 15, 2010

May Musings........... many thoughts, so many times I think I will blog about them, so many times I never do...I promise to be better this summer.

I was reading a dear friend's blog a few minutes ago (shout out Lara~Casey~Weaver), and she was dwelling on the surprise of living in her hometown post-college into her married life. Though still livin'up the single life I resonated with her.

I live in Oklahoma. Sapulpa. I could not be more surprised.

Seriously, never would I have thought this is what I would have been doing at this point in my life. I don't mean that negatively at all, I just find it interesting. If you would have told me after college in small town Arkansas, summer travels to Ireland, Mexico, and everywhere in between, that after all that I would move home...I would have definitely rolled my eyes at you. Then if you would have really gone out on a limb and told me that I would be working at the school that I attended K-8 at, the school where my very own father is the superintendent, I would have stormed off! Ok well maybe not because I am not rude, but I would have laughed in your face, politely.

I love my life.

Do I feel completely utterly satisfied with where I am, no not necessarily. Am I happy? Definitely. Am I stuck? Heck no. Will I stay here for awhile? I have decided to committ to things a year at a time, so next year I will be in OK.

I love teaching.

I am hugged all day long. I am made little adorable notes and cards telling me I am the best teacher ever. I observe how much my little students have grown this year. I get to read stories outloud and get really into them. (*the best day ever--I got so into this awesome book I was reading my students about not getting stressed out about testing--a book Dr. Suess started but didn't finish before he died and Jack Prelutsky finished it for him--they broke out into cheers at the ending and I had to majorly catch my breath*)
I am rewarded all the time by their enthusiasm.

I also can't wait for summer break.

I get exhausted teaching, walking, and talking all day. I get so bogged down with disciplinary issues. I hate having to be firm and writing detention slips--but it is highly necessary to maintain control and help students learn even the really hard life lessons. I hate calling parents with bad news about their child's behavior. I hate seeing abuse written all over a child's face and sometimes their body. I hate drama!!

But...I thrive off of the relationships. I am so emotionally invested. I wouldn't have it any other way. If I didn't feel passionately about it, I wouldn't work half as hard. If I didn't live in Sapulpa, OK and teach at my father's school, I wouldn't know the 20 little (and some not so little) individuals I have come to know. They deserve my time and all my effort.

My life's unplanned plan is so beautifully redeemed daily.